It refers to the times when we get disappointed, let alone sometimes feel overwhelmed by disappointment and let down, but this is a very important thing to understand that setbacks are but a part of life. Here are some strategies to help you bounce back and regain your resilience after a tough disappointment:Here are some strategies to help you bounce back and regain your resilience after a tough disappointment:

Acknowledge Your Feelings: Embrace the practice of having feelings and emotions as human and allow for them to be felt and expressed without having a negative connotation placed on the individual feeling these emotions. This means that it is normal to feel sad, disappointed, frustrated or even angry after the game. Validation and acknowledgement of one’s feelings is the first step towards recovery.

Seek Support: While it is good to reach out to a professional therapist or counselor, it is also possible to rely on the support of friends, family or other people who will be able to help one to listen and possibly give some advice when one is feeling low. People like to know that exists someone who cares about them and with whom can talk their concerns.

Practice Self-Compassion: Eat healthy and fit food, and try as much as you possibly can to be kind to your own self. You need to remain kind to yourself as you would for a friend when they are experiencing the similar life events. It is comforting to be aware that failures are inevitable in everyone’s life and you are not the one who is struggling.

Focus on What You Can Control: It involves replacing thoughts that fixate on things outside one’s control with those related to factors that can be changed. Be sure to avoid or overcome any forms of barriers or hindrances that you might be facing.

Set Realistic Goals: Never set big goals that will take ages to achieve, instead divide the goals into sections that one can easily achieve in a limited period of time. As we pursue change, there are growing expectations to delay setbacks and lift the morale and commitment level, which can be the most important strategy to change.

Practice Gratitude: The idea is to train yourself to have a positive outlook in life and to express thankfulness for things you have in your life. There are so many instances that occurring in our daily lives that can make us happy when things are going well only for us to be sad when things are not well well with us, thankfulness makes us focus on the positive things in our lives regardless of the challenges that we face.

Stay Optimistic: One must always look on the bright side of life, no matter situations that may prevail, you must always trust in yourself that good times will prevail, you will pull through through the dark phase and come out a better person. When you have faced failure in your endeavor know that it is but for a season and with hard work, you can always transform the strike into something more productive.

Such thinking can take some time and effort to recover but it is advisable that when making the recovery, people should be patient and kind to themselves. When a person gets messed up in specified gaols, helping themselves, surrounding themselves with the support, and, primarily, focusing on the goal which has been set helps to leave failure stronger.